Mar 24, 2022
[Source: Comunicaffè]
Comunicaffè just came out with an interesting article about our Coffee Pro JJ!
We collected some sippets of the interview, you can check the full article on the Comunicaffè website #makeitbetter
MILAN - Yong Jeon is Coffee Pro at Dalla Corte, many know him as Johnny, [...] we joined him to talk about his undisputed experience in the sector and his point of view on the world of espresso, from an external perspective as a Korean who is in love with Italy, italian culture and the “made in Italy” excellence that is well expressed by the company he works for, Dalla Corte espresso machines.
Jeon, tell us how someone from Korea ends up in Italy teaching Italian baristas to use Italian Dalla Corte machines to make traditional Italian espresso and espresso-based drinks.
[...] In 2022 I had the pleasure of meeting the founders of Csc (Caffè speciali certificati) in Korea, Enrico Meschini and Paolo Milani of Le Piantagioni del caffè, because the company I worked for at the time imported coffee from Italy. That has been the opportunity for me to learn espresso from these two experts. Another opportunity in 2003 was when I first met Paolo and Bruno Dalla Corte at a fair where they presented the first Evolution espresso machine. [...] I would like to say that I am Korean, but that I basically learned coffee from Italy. [...]
We talk too easily about specialty coffee today. When baristas start making espresso after just 5 days of training. We need to invest time, passion, and dedication to make the best coffee. [...] Espresso was born in Italy, but unfortunately this isn’t valued in other countries. And if its true value is not perceived, it’s because Italians themselves are the first ones who don’t understand it. [...]
It is also true that abroad they accept change more quickly. On the other side, Italian customers are still stuck in the 90s. I would like to ask them what does tradition mean? Because Piantagioni del Caffè are already 130 years old, and to me they represent tradition despite being driven by innovation. But the old mentality is a different thing, it remains anchored to old patterns. " [...]
What about the role of the barista? Do you find it is more valued or is there still a lot to do?
"It is valued a little more, but there is still a long way to go. In Milan, specialty cafes work very well, but their customers are mainly foreigners. Many bars don’t do storytelling or try to raise quality, but also because they’re so busy it’s not even feasible. You cannot simply tell the barista that he must change, but you have to involve them in a wider cultural movement: broadcast communication, radio, and the big brands themselves should be spokespersons for this change. They need to push more for quality. Why doesn't this happen? Because customers are already used to that price of one euro, and it's okay to put sugar in it. [...]
Does the same go for specialty? Has the scene grown in Italy? Have you seen an increase in the demand for training baristas?
“Even Italians can change their way of thinking. […]. Specialty coffee shops shouldn’t misunderstand: specialty coffee exists in Italy, but they are not a trend to adopt passively , copying the Northern European style. Yes, we must use a high quality coffee, but for espresso it shouldn’t be too light, but medium roast. Australian taste is not appreciated here. It starts like this, with a middle ground. " [...]
Jeon also shares a rather personal reflection
[...] The espresso we know, the one that is appreciated all over the world comes from the Italian passion of engineers, roasters and baristas. This is culture. This is tradition. This is Italy itself. I hope that this beautiful country will soon regain its lost culture, so as not to lose the enthusiasm of previous generations. "
Feb 18, 2025