Jun 21, 2022
In Dalla Corte it’s never been about the products themselves, everything has always revolved around the wider concept of coffee: from training, to different roasting and extraction techniques, and last but not least, the coffee bean as a raw material.
In fact, the coffee selections at the DC booth are all specialty grade blends and single origins. Among these, at their booth you can taste selections from the Italian Coffee Roasting Champion @davidecobelli @garagecoffeebros , @estelar.coffee by our coffee pro @fabrizioseed , @rossocoffeeroasters by @torodeo , @lasosta_specialty_coffee by @simo.gi , @80plus.coffee , @bazzara.espresso , @solbergoghansen , @caffeverre , @hismajestythecoffee and @kontracoffee
Come by the DC booth (R04 in Hall 3) to try these fantastic selections #makeitbetter
Feb 18, 2025