
The Second Chance Project and Evo2

Oct 02, 2020

How can a coffee machine restyling create new opportunities, new occasions to give ourselves a challenge, new possibilities to be aware of our strengths and talent? The Second Chance Project expresses our desire to do something special and socially useful with the fruitful cooperation with Bollate Penitentiary. This is our challenge: share our competences to improve other people’s lives. Our classic Evo2 coffee machines can have a second life thanks to the commitment and dedication of Bollate Penitentiary inmates.

Manual labour jobs increase self-esteem, teach self-discipline, order and patience - fundamental bases to find a good job. By providing professional training courses and teaching sectorial competencies, we want to offer the possibility to build a brand new life, filled with great expectations for the future.

A specially trained team will learn how to service coffee machines, replace spare parts, learn all the related technical matters and, of course, prepare excellent espressos! They will check your old Evo2, carefully restyle it with new components and we will send it back as good as new. Or even better.

Your refurbished commercial espresso machine EVO2 will be even more special and have an amazing background history, and above all, it will still be a cutting-edge machine full of Dalla Corte technology. 

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