
#coffeepairingwithDC - whisky

Jul 21, 2020

Coffee pairing means finding flavours that work off each other, drawing attention to new details. As a coffee-lover and regular consumer, don’t be afraid to ask your barista what will complement your coffee!

There are many variables that affect coffee pairings, such as acidity, brew methods, extraction time, and coffee growing regions. Just like coffee, also whisky varies a great deal depending on its origin and how it has been processed. So saying that whisky and coffee are a great match, is not that simple. We need to focus on the dominant flavour notes of the coffee and how they would match the whisky’s main characteristics without overpowering each other.

One important coffee-growing region is in Cuba, on the Sierra Maestra Mountains, where beans are cultivated under the forest canopies at an altitude around 1400-1700m above sea level, resulting in a low-acidity profile. Plus, the rich forest soils allow no need for chemical fertilizers, making these beans 100% organic.

A cup of Cuba Serrano is known for being full of body and blended with scents of tobacco leaves, while in aromatic persistence you can experience a hint of nutty notes. Match this with a well-balanced whisky that has smoky and fruity notes, and you’ve got a combination that work off each other perfectly.

Now it’s your turn to discover your favourite coffee-pairing combinations! Remember to focus on the dominant flavour of the coffee at first, then consider those subtler notes, the coffee’s aftertaste and overall mouthfeel. Have fun and explore new ways of growing your passion for coffee!#coffeepairingwithDC

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